Mindfulness Meditations
"Prayer is asking God. Meditation is listening in the Silence."
For us to thrive the Body needs Movement, the Mind needs Stillness and our Spirit needs Joy.
Deep listening in the Silence is a beautiful way to begin cultivating Stillness.
By practicing the art of Listening in the Silence we can:
Transcend our thoughts and emotions.
Know ourselves without the intrusion of external influences.
Be Mindful of our patterns of thought and behavior.
Connect deeply with our body.
Practice Acceptance through this state of Neutral Observation.
Experience expansiveness and timelessness.
Access Intuition and our Higher Wisdom.
Center in our Inner Peace and Joy as we become one with our Spirit.
Give to ourselves what we most desire – our undivided attention and affection.
Being aware of the challenges we may encounter on our way to building a beautiful meditation practice can assist us in surpassing them gracefully and easily.
As social beings, we have used silence as a tool for manipulation, power and control as we withdraw our love and acceptance along with our words, when something or someone upsets us.
We have become accustomed to the 24*7 external stimuli that has created an attention deficit and a lack of focus.
Downtime is not popular because even rest needs to be perceived as productive by the mind.
Interestingly solitary confinement is considered one of the harshest ways to punish criminals which can lead to the mis-identification that being alone and away from company is a bad thing.
"When we are deeply connected with our Inner being through silence, we attune to our Authenticity, Spontaneity and Joy."
All things that the mind and our socially conditioned self, fears.
Meditation is the most beautiful, powerful and simplest tool to cultivate and experience
more Clarity, Receptivity and Focus.
Join us for weekly Mindfulness Meditations @ Yoga La Vie studio - Palm Jumeirah, Dubai.
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