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What’s Spiritual about Psychology?

Spiritual Psychology is a field of study and practice that assisted me in transforming my life experience.

Understanding and applying its principles and practices to my life's experiences has helped me connect with my Authentic Self, the part of me that is my Inner Being or my natural self.

And as a result I was able to shift my perspective from my ego's agenda and identifications to the Higher perspective that is available to all of us at our Authentic Self level.

Unconditional Loving Acceptance, Peace, Joy, Wisdom, Creative Resourcefulness, Humor, Honesty, Integrity are all qualities of my Authentic Self and that of yours too.


I didn’t even know these already existed inside me and that I had access to them all along.

I was conditioned like most to believe that everything I wanted was just a little out of reach and it’d take nothing less than herculean levels of motivation, dedication, perseverance and sacrifice on my part to achieve my goals and dreams and a lot of good luck and karma to superstitiously support me.

"The study and practice of Spiritual Psychology led me to reconnect with my Authentic Self qualities and cultivate them in my daily experiences and interactions.

And that’s when the magic began."


Most of us are consumed with and intensely focused on resolving our issues.

The issue itself is not the issue!

“How you relate to the issue is the issue or how you relate to yourself while going through the issue, is the real issue.”

- Principle # 16 - USM, Spiritual Psychology


The nature of our Universe is dynamic and ever changing. Everything is destined to unravel and unfold eventually.

However, when we drag ourselves through situations in an unloving and aggressive manner, we are not in Integrity with our Authentic Self and are not centered in our loving and peaceful nature.

"We are in essence causing our own pain and suffering by being conditional and rigid."

These transgressions against Self are what our Inner Being witnesses.

In my experience this keeps us from building and experiencing Self-Trust, Faith and Self-Love.

And no matter how many external goals I might accomplish, not having Self-Trust and Self-Love creates a deep void and can only take me so far on the goal line of my life experience.


The study and practice of Spiritual Psychology has been powerful in reconnecting me with my Authentic Self and cultivating deep Inner Peace, Loving Acceptance, Greater Equanimity, Steadfast Integrity and Joy in all my daily life experiences, interactions and relationships.

Attuning myself to each of these qualities in my Authentic Self being powerfully connects me to opportunities for Growth, Development and Authentic Self Expression in my life and that has led to deep healing in relationships and situations that were troublesome, hurtful and upsetting in the past.

If you would like to experience a powerful transformation in any area of your life or self, please contact us for Spiritual Psychology Counseling sessions.

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