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Empower Vs Enable: What's the difference and Why is it so important for Self-Commitment & Leadership

Our Words have meaning and carry a vibrational frequency, an energy that can synthesize and catalyze us into powerful action or stop us dead in our tracks, slowing us down and even having us doubt our initial motivations. To empower is to facilitate (make easy for) ourselves or someone else, taking positive action in the direction of our goals, vision and purpose.

"It is to catalyze the Inner Authority & Power present to take appropriate action."

To enable can mean the same linguistically speaking. However from a psychological standpoint enabling a certain behavior in someone or ourselves is referred to as perpetuating and maintaining habitual patterns that are compulsive and of an unconscious nature.

An addict needs an enabler, someone who provides for them the necessary substance or circumstance that maintains and perpetuates their patterns of addiction. Without an enabler, an addict cannot keep their addiction going.

Whereas, empowering an addict out of their addiction involves facilitating them to shift from making compulsive choices to making more conscious, deliberate and Self-honoring choices.

It may require that you say NO the next time they (you) attempt to recruit you (or someone) as their (your) enabler.

What does addict mentality have to do with this article and words that have a certain vibrational energetic frequency, and the importance of discerning between empowering & enabling?

"We live in a culturally sponsored, addiction driven, societal setup and we are all faced with the challenge of compulsive choices over conscious ones."

Add to that our Food & Retail industry, Advertising & Marketing, Tech, Social Media and our Online virtual living environment that are all exquisitely designed and engineered to be addictive, to garner repeat purchases, cravings, insatiability, excessive buying through 'Buy Two Get One' schemes, likes, check-ins, clicks...*

The human brain has been unwittingly trained toward addictive patterns by being rewarded for its excessive, compulsive behavior rather than clear, conscious, balanced action and choice.

And we are paying the price, even though on the surface it seems like we live in luxurious times, our Health, Wealth and Wellbeing, our Conscious choosing muscles - our Inner Authority, Integrity, Balance & Power are all challenged to the core.

These are the very apparatus in our consciousness that are meant to create Self-Leadership, Self-Commitment and Self-Mastery.

Our outer dynamic is making it exceedingly challenging to live in a heathy, balanced, harmonious state of Wellbeing and it's time we wake up to our Inner & Outer reality.

* Reference: The Social Dilemma on Netflix

For private Coaching sessions,

Learning & practicing skills to identify addictive draining patterns,

Deactivate them from their root & cause, while

Co-creating new, more healthy and balanced ways of Being in your relationships, with your Finances, Health & Fitness, Creative Expression & Inspiration, Radiance, Vitality, Aliveness and Wellbeing,

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